Tuesday, 1 December 2015

MWVS Community Development Program. World Aids Day Event

A ceremony to mark World AIDS Day was held in Witteklip at the Witteklip MPC on 1 December.

The Event was organised by MWVS Community Development Program to raise awareness of World AIDS Day and encourage people to understand more about HIV and its effect on people's lives.
The event started with singing the South African National Anthem from that Dr .MM Tebelele our guest speaker took over to discus the below points.
1) Educating everyone to understand how HIV and AIDS is spread and what we can do to protect ourselves. We must encourage people to change sexual behaviour and to practice safe sex at all times.
2) Making condoms freely and easily available and educating people on how to use them.
3) Promoting openness so we can break down the stigma and silence surrounding HIV and AIDS.

See more...

4) Making everyone aware of the plight of people living with AIDS and the problems faced by their families, and mobilising communities to help care for people who are affected.
5) Encouraging testing for all people who are sexually active and making sure there is proper counselling that goes with the testing.
6) Ensuring people understand their rights and the treatment options once they have been diagnosed.
PPN was invited for the eye screening for the community members which took place from 10am to 11:45

Monday, 30 November 2015

MWVS Community Development Program. Yellow Woods Farm School Spectacles Hand-over

The Masibonisane campaign came into being with a vision by PPN (Preferred Provider Negotiators) to ensure that all previously disadvantage children in South Africa has access to an optometric evaluation and identifying any special needs therefore enhancing their education through good sight.
The need for optical assistance is keenly evident in children of school going age. No child should be disadvantaged and hindered in their academic progression due to undiagnosed and/or untreated eye problems. PPN would like to invest in our future by focusing on the most important asset of South Africa, our children.

Today PPN handed over 9 Spectacles to Yellow Woods Farm School Learners
.Children may need glasses for several reasons—some of which are different than for adults. Because a child’s visual system is growing and developing, especially during the first 5-6 years of life, glasses may play an important role in ensuring normal development of vision. The main reasons a child may need glasses are:
• To provide better vision, so that a child may function better in his/her environment
• To help straighten the eyes when they are crossed or misaligned (strabismus)
• To help strengthen the vision of a weak eye (amblyopia or “lazy eye”). This may occur when there is a difference in prescription between the two eyes (anisometropia). For example, one eye may be normal, while the other eye may have a significant need for glasses caused by near-sightedness, far-sightedness or astigmatism.
• To provide protection for one eye if the other eye has poor vision.See more...

MWVS Community Development Program. St Albans Primary School Spectacles Hand-Over

The Masibonisane campaign came into being with a vision by PPN (Preferred Provider Negotiators) to ensure that all previously disadvantage children in South Africa has access to an optometric evaluation and identifying any special needs therefore enhancing their education through good sight.
The need for optical assistance is keenly evident in children of school going age. No child should be disadvantaged and hindered in their academic progression due to undiagnosed and/or untreated eye problems. PPN would like to invest in our future by focusing on the most important asset of South Africa, our children.

Today PPN handed over 48 Spectacles to Learners at St Albans Primary School.
Children may need glasses for several reasons—some of which are different than for adults. Because a child’s visual system is growing and developing, especially during the first 5-6 years of life, glasses may play an important role in ensuring normal development of vision. The main reasons a child may need glasses are:
• To provide better vision, so that a child may function better in his/her environment
• To help straighten the eyes when they are crossed or misaligned (strabismus)
• To help strengthen the vision of a weak eye (amblyopia or “lazy eye”). This may occur when there is a difference in prescription between the two eyes (anisometropia). For example, one eye may be normal, while the other eye may have a significant need for glasses caused by near-sightedness, far-sightedness or astigmatism.
• To provide protection for one eye if the other eye has poor vision. See more...

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

MWVS Community Development Program. Project Management Course

Project team members concerntrated on listening skill this evening.
Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.

Listening is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood – communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritatedcontent thereby ensuring that lessons
are interesting and relevant and students remain interested and motivated no matter how old.If there is one communication skill you should aim to master then listening is it See more...

Monday, 9 November 2015

MWVS Community Development Program. Revision Club

Now that the exam period is upon us,when it comes to recalling revision, Educators can feel conflicted.

In many ways, the time spent assisting revision is satisfying we feel things are coming together and students are working independently; there are clear goals to aim for there is a focused productivity in the air. But the revision period brings with it the uneasy feeling that education should not be about how much students can remember.See more...

MWVS Community Development Program.Witteklip Early Childhood Development Centre

The day at the Witteklip ECD starts with a prayer. Kids are then taken through different Programs of the day depending on their age group.


    Two young ladies enjoy playing with the sand. See more...                                                                                                                                                                          

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

MWVS Community Development Program. Project Management Class

To melt this thick ice and rebuild an atmosphere of teamwork,Project Teams need to apply the blowtorch of icebreakers."Human spider web": In this game, people gather in circles of about six or seven. Everyone takes his or her right hand and grabs the right hand of someone who is approximately opposite to them, and then does the same with left hands

When everyone's arms are intertwined, the group must figure out a way to untangle without letting go of any links. This activity helps participants exercise their team-building muscles and gets them thinking in a cooperative mindset.

                                                                                                                                                                              Today we practissed the Human Spider web ice breaker with the project Team workers.We also touched base on what are the values of a great leader andgave a few examples. See more...

Friday, 16 October 2015

MWVS Community Development Program. WMPC up keep

Witteklip Community Leader mowing the Grass. 

The playing field utilized by the creche kids and Van Stadens Farm School learners . See more...

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

MWVS Community Development Program. IT Course

As part of the Woodridge outreach and Community service program, the aim was to introduce a computer 
literacy course which could run parallel to the ABET course. While these two courses are not directly linked to
one another, they are in fact complementing each other. 
For this purpose we have registered to use the e-Learner course which was offered initially to members of the
Woodridge ground/general staff but also rolled out to the surrounding community and later might include
some of the underprivileged schools. 
Three members from the outside community sponsored by the MWVS Community Development Program were supposed to be
involved with the course but at present only two members namely Vuyokazi McClean and Nombulelo Gotyana
are attending. .

The accredited e-Learner course is made up of seven units and is available at three levels culminating in a
Platinum certificate. The course covers 7 units and is aimed at students of all ages who require the grounding
and basics of ICT skills before moving on to mastering the ICDL Core certification. The e-Learner units are
aligned to those which one would encounter in the ICDL Core thereby acting as a perfect introduction and
progressive stepping-stone to the ICDL Core. Units in the e-Learner Platinum course are as follows: 

1. I T Basics 
2. Files & Folders 
3. Drawing 
4. Word Processing 
5. Spreadsheets 
                                                 6. Presentations 
                                                 7. Web Browsing & E mail 
The e-Learner lessons not only teach ICT skills but also integrate life-skill content thereby ensuring that lessons
are interesting and relevant and students remain interested and motivated no matter how old. See more...

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

MWVS Community Development Program.Project Management Course

The training programme conducted by George Meko commenced on Tuesday 06 October 2015. All 15 Project Team members were present. Day 1 had 100% attendance, while Day 2 of 13 October had 3 members absent due to work commitments.

The programme was set to assist community leaders to have a clear perspective and perception about their own personalities, including their strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs and motivation. On the other hand they were thought through practical exercises how to understand others, how others perceive them, their attitude and response towards others. See more...

Friday, 4 September 2015

MWVS Community Development Program.St Albans Primary School a solar light at a time

423 Learners from St Albans Primary School were trained on the topic of Solar energy

One of the main objectives for the training was for the "changing of behaviour". If behaviour can be changed in this area, it will affects choices, lifestyle and ultimately, the environment.
 See more...

Thursday, 3 September 2015

MWVS Community Development Program.St Albans Grade 7&8 solar competion

Grade 7&8 learners at St Albans Primary were trained on the topic of solar energy and they were tasked to write a full page essay about solar energy.

in each grade 10 learners who submitted good essay's were rewarded with solar lights. See more...

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

MWVS Community Development Program Van Stadens Farm School Spectacles Hand over

PPN Performed eye Screening for 140 pupils of Van Stadens Farm School a month ago. Out of the 140 they found 28 pupils needed further screening and they allocated an optometrist in Mount pleasant (Blue Cherry Optometrist) to further perform eye test on the 28 pupils from Van Stadens Farm School.

After Further eye testing of the 28 pupils only 25 pupils needed spectacles.Today PPN visited the Van Stadens Farm School to hand over spectacles to the 25 pupils.

The optometrist that was responsible for the eye testing was touched by the conditions of the school and the learners and she has formed a group with her friends to help the Van Stadens Farm School Learners and the School ,today she brought with two set's of female school shoes,number of school sox and stationary for the needy learners.
PPN has donated 25 School bags that match with the school uniform to the Van Stadens Farm School learners. See more...

MWVS Community Development Program, St Albans Primary School Eye Screening

Today PPN has started performing eye screening at St Albans Primary School,due to wet weather conditions some of the pupils were absent,all the present pupils in the foundation phase were screened.

• To reach as many children as possible in PDI areas 
• To create and build beneficial relationships with schools and assist them on an ongoing basis with the screening of new Grade 1 pupils during the intake period at the beginning of each year
• To provide and deliver FREE basic quality optical care to identified beneficiaries without compromising the professional standards 
• To empower the next generation with the gift of sight 
The screening is done for FREE and at the school. PPN will arrange for those pupils that require a full eye test and possibly spectacles, to visit an optometrist in their area.. See more...